in-home SENIOR care, serving areas in Indiana & Florida
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Exceptional Caregivers Equal Exceptional In-Home Private Care for Southwest Florida

Caregivers who affiliate with Senior Home Companions are part of an exclusive group. Fewer than 20 percent of applicants meet our stringent criteria for honesty, competency and dependability. 

Caregivers affiliated with Senior Home Companions aren’t simply looking for work; they’re answering a call to serve others and make a difference. They’re experienced, mature adults, many of them retirees, dedicated to helping make our clients’ lives as rich and satisfying as possible. It shows in their devotion to our clients and their willingness to go above and beyond.
You cared for them, let us care for you.
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Matching Clients in Southwest Florida to Caregiver Affiliates

We carefully match you with a caregiver based on your needs and personality. That means we take time to listen to your story – learning as much as we can about who you are, who and what’s been a part of your life, what you enjoy, what you don’t, and the type of services you’re looking for. Our unique matching process prioritizes your needs and matches you with caregivers who share the strengths that will best meet your needs for the long term. Exceptional care is about trusting, meaningful relationships with your own team of caregivers so you can count on a team of consistent caregivers. 

Finding and referring only the best has helped make Senior Home Companions Florida’s premier service for connecting with caregivers for nearly two decades. Caregivers know their affiliation with us comes with a long-standing reputation for excellence. It’s why so many choose to serve our clients for the long term – nearly half of our caregivers have worked with us for three years or more and many for over 10.
Story Cottage is now in Meridian Hills

Affiliate with Senior Home Companions

Are you a caring individual who wants to make a difference in the lives of others? Apply today!

What Do Affiliate Caregivers Say About Senior Home Companions?

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Senior Home Companions Earns Great Place to Work Certification

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How to Know When Mom Needs Help: A Guide for Families

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Social Isolation & Loneliness from a Wellness Perspective

Transcript: Hello everyone, welcome to the Senior Home Companions podcast. It is Kirstin McCarthy here, Marketing Coordinator with SHC. Today, […]

The Most Important Factor for Longevity

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