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How to Safely Celebrate the Holidays with Aging Loved Ones This Year

December 7, 2020

By now, we all know the rules of COVID-19 fairly well: Maintain proper social distancing at six feet apart, wear a mask, don’t touch your face, wash your hands, wash your hands, then wash your hands some more. Now that the holidays are upon us, however, we are holding the two difficult emotions of wanting to respect the pandemic rules and, at the same time, wanting to see family that we are missing. So, what is the best way to safely celebrate, especially if aging loved ones are involved?

Safely Celebrate Virtually

It should first be stated that no gatherings are presently deemed “safe,” especially if you are planning to get together with someone in a high-risk category, such as an elderly person or someone with a compromised immune system. We know that the ideal way to safely celebrate is virtually. Zoom holiday meetings are the go-to this year, with even some fun that can be sprinkled in for your family’s entertainment. You can share recipes, eat or cook together over video or send presents for a gift exchange. For families that like to play games together, bingo, charades and Pictionary are all good options. 

Celebrating with Help from SHC

If you know an aging loved one who is having trouble accessing the Internet or needs assistance, Senior Home Companion caregivers are here to help. Our companions can help your loved ones to navigate virtual family holidays and keep them company as well. This year, we have been more present in our community than ever as we help seniors to remain safe and sound at home in order to mitigate their risk of contracting COVID-19

Following Safety Guidelines

If you decide to get together for a family gathering, there are some guidelines to follow to ensure the safety of those present. First things first: agree on some ground rules in the weeks leading up to your event. Make sure that everyone is on the same page as far as mask wearing, hand washing, meal prep, and what to bring.

By limiting the number of people, you also decrease the risk of exposure, so a small gathering is a must. Try to host an outdoor event if possible, as indoor air is generally of poor quality and residential ventilation systems aren’t reliable in ridding the air of the virus. If you have to be indoors because of the weather, opening windows or doors can be an option.  

Although gathering in person is not ideal at this time, follow the above guidelines to host the safest gathering you can, remembering that any loved one age 65 and older in attendance are at an increased risk for complications should they contract COVID-19. Make sure to utilize our services here at Senior Home Companions so that your loved one can feel less isolated and alone this holiday season. We offer personalized companion care services to ensure your satisfaction, as well as your aging loved one’s well-being.

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