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How to take Advantage of Benefits for Aging Veterans and their Spouses

August 19, 2020

Aging is a difficult process, and because the transition can be slow, many elderly veterans are left trying to decide between staying in their homes or entering a nursing care facility. The time during which someone goes from being independent to needing full-time care can sometimes be long, requiring extra help at home. This can obviously be a huge expense for seniors and their families. What many aging veterans don’t know, however, is that they may qualify for a pretty large amount of aid.

Benefit Criteria

Through the Non-Service Connected Pension, also called the Aid Attendance Benefit, veterans and their spouses who meet four criteria can qualify for up to $2200 a month in aid towards in-home care and other expenses. The four qualifications are:

  1. The veteran must have served during a time of war (for at least one day).
  2. Medical need must be present.
  3. Income and expenses meet criteria.
  4. Cash assets meet criteria.

Aging Veterans & Spouse Eligibility

This program is good for both veterans, as well as widowed spouses, as long as they were married at the time of death. Healthy veterans with sick spouses can also qualify for aid. Benefits can include respite services, 4 hours of personal care per week, up to $2200 a month in aid, and more. 

Timing of Aid

Although the process may take a while to move through various offices (especially due to virtual work with Covid-19) you may receive benefits to help cover any time while you are waiting for aid. Check out our informational video if you would like to gain more in-depth knowledge about the Non-Service Connected Pension.

If you would like to begin seeking aid, please call John Bucholtz, Accredited VA Claims Specialist at (317) 590-6831 or schedule a consult online. With so many seniors in need, we hope that knowing about this program can benefit you and your family!

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