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Make Your Mark: Celebrating Older Americans Month

May 21, 2020

May is Older Americans Month, a celebration led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) in honor of the contributions that seniors have made across our nation. This year’s theme is “Make Your Mark” and here at Senior Home Companions, we are celebrating the mark that our clients have made on their local communities in countless ways. In light of the current health crisis, we are also celebrating the differences that everyone can make when we work together. 

Older Americans Month History

The celebration of Older Americans Month was established in 1963. At that time, a third of older Americans were living in poverty, and it was determined that the U.S. Administration needed to act in the interest of older Americans and their growing concerns.

President John F. Kennedy and the National Council of Senior Citizens created the first “Senior Citizens Month,” which was eventually renamed “Older Americans Month.” Every president since JFK has issued a formal proclamation asking that Americans acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons to our country, particularly aligned with Memorial Day and those who have defended our nation.

How To Celebrate

Since 1978, there have been a wide variety of themes to honor Older Americans Month. This year, the theme is Make Your Mark. You can celebrate by helping the older adults and loved ones in your life remember stories of how they have made their mark on others. Even if you can’t be together physically, you can encourage others to share stories via phone/video call or to write them down in a letter. 

Some interesting activity questions from the ACL that can help inspire storytelling among loved ones of all ages include:

  • What are you most proud of?
  • What’s your hidden talent?
  • Looking back, is there something you wish you had done that you did not?
  • What do you wish the world knew about you?
  • What does it mean to be a caregiver? What did you learn from the experience?

Supporting Older Adults You Know

Now more than ever, you can support older adults in your life by checking in on them at home. You can deliver a meal, stay in touch via email/social media, arrange a driveway visit with grandchildren or call them just to chat. Inspire your community to do the same, and help ensure that the older adults you know do not become too isolated during this time. 

If you are concerned about a loved one who is living independently, or would like to transition a senior out of an assisted living facility, Senior Home Companions is here to help. We are proud to serve older adults in both Central Indiana and Southwest & Central Florida. We offer a wide variety of services including respite care for family caregivers, day-to-day in-home care and rehabilitation support. We even provide support services like handyman maintenance tasks and our Family Matters counseling to discuss your loved one’s life transitions. 

If you are interested in learning more about Senior Home Companions, schedule your consultation online or by calling the local office in your area. We look forward to serving and celebrating the older adults in your life.

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