in-home SENIOR care, serving areas in Indiana & Florida
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Senior Home Companions Cares 

April 21, 2020

During these uncertain times, the caregivers at Senior Home Companions are proud to continue serving our clients and their families. Our leadership teams are closely monitoring and operating in compliance with the current protocols in place by the CDC and local health departments. 

Senior Home Companions Cares

As essential workers, we are doing everything we can to provide care for those who may be most impacted by COVID-19. As we serve you and your loved ones, we will continue to follow the mantra of our President David Morgan: “Above all, be a blessing.”

Cleaning & Self-Monitoring

More than ever, our caregivers are following CDC guidelines for healthcare professionals. We are washing our hands frequently, and cleaning surfaces that we have touched in client homes. We are also cleaning surfaces in our own vehicles and homes, and remaining cautious between client visits. 

Our caregivers are self-monitoring for any symptoms before serving clients, and doing frequent temperature checks in order to assess their own wellness. We are also monitoring symptoms among our clients, especially in those with preexisting medical conditions that may create additional risks if they were to contract the novel coronavirus.

We are wearing personal protective equipment when it is necessary for tasks in close contact with others. However, we are feeling the shortage of PPE just like all other healthcare professionals. If you are handy with a sewing machine and would like to make and/or donate any masks to our facilities, we would welcome them! Please contact our offices to learn more. 

Social Distancing

As much as possible, we are providing care while maintaining social distancing. We are avoiding handshakes, touching hands/faces, etc. whenever we can as we provide care. Normally, a hug is one of our favorite ways to spread cheer, but those are on hold for now. 

Distancing can be difficult when providing in-home care tasks such as bathing or grooming, but we are ensuring that our clients get this care as safely as possible. According to the National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) an estimated 12 million Americans depend on some form of in-home care. If a large number of those individuals were to contract this virus, it could easily overwhelm our healthcare providers. 

“Remember, though, the reason health care workers are going into people's homes is because those people need care,” said William Dombi, NAHC president. “And those needs are still there in spite of the pandemic. If they don't get the care they need, they may end up in the ER, and that's not the place for them to be right now.”

Dedicated Caregivers

As always, our caregivers are dedicated to providing exceptional and personalized care. We serve with integrity, compassion and effectiveness because we know that our clients and their families come to rely on this consistent care. Our wide variety of in-home services allow our clients to remain independent and safe at home, which is likely the best place to stay at this time.

If you or a loved one is in need of in-home care, don’t hesitate to contact our offices for a complimentary consultation. Now more than ever, we want to provide you with the care you need from the comfort and safety of your home. 

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