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Signs an Aging Adult is Experiencing Loneliness

February 1, 2021

Now more than ever, older adults living at home are experiencing isolation and loneliness. You can help by watching for signs of loneliness in your aging loved ones, and by working with Senior Home Companions if you are concerned. Our caregivers offer companionship and compassion to clients who are feeling isolated, as well as personalized care and daily living assistance. Here are the five major signs that you may notice when an older adult is experiencing loneliness. 

1. Lack of Communication

When an individual is feeling lonely, they may lose interest in socializing at all. Loneliness can also impact not just their desire to communicate, but their ability too. You may notice an older adult repeating themselves or struggling to remember what they are saying mid-sentence. 

Companionship from a compassionate caregiver at Senior Home Companions can provide your aging loved one with a sense of purpose and engagement in daily life. Ranging from a few hours a day to 24/7 care, it’s what we would want for our parents and grandparents and we believe your loved ones deserve the same.

2. Varying Moods in Loneliness

You may notice loneliness or isolation showing up in an older adult with mood changes. They might seem unusually sad or get flustered more easily. Unusual calls or messages could be something to watch out for as well. 

If your loved one is in assisted living or a skilled nursing facility, they may still get lonely and experience erratic moods. SHC caregivers can coordinate our companion care alongside nurses and therapists to ensure that they stay engaged and have their non-medical needs met each day. 

3. Change in Appearance

Loneliness may also affect someone’s desire or ability to keep up with personal care or hygiene. Have you noticed a change in your loved one’s appearance, like extreme weight gain or loss? Do they appear unkempt or in unwashed clothes? A feeling of loneliness could also manifest itself with a change in the look of their home, such as not regularly cleaning, piles of undone laundry/dishes or unpaid bills. 

In addition to our companionship services at SHC, our caregivers can also provide your aging loved one with in-home personal care such as medication reminders, help with dressing/grooming and bathroom assistance. We can also care for an older adult’s home with our helpful handyman services

4. Difficulty Concentrating

If you notice an aging adult in your family having a hard time concentrating or seeming restless, they may be experiencing loneliness. One of the companionship services that our caregivers can provide is encouraging participation in activities, exercise and familiar hobbies. Staying engaged with community and social events as it is safe to do so can help prevent isolation in our older adult clients as well.

5. Memory Loss with Loneliness

Another common sign of loneliness is new or worsening memory loss. Does your loved one seem confused or get overwhelmed discussing recent events? Our caregivers are trained to aid clients experiencing dementia or memory loss. We also offer a first-of-its-kind memory care solution in Central Indiana called Story Cottage, for when remaining at home is no longer possible. 

Contact us today if you are concerned that your aging loved one may be experiencing loneliness or isolation. Our team of experts can discuss your caregiving options in a complimentary consultation to determine the best solution for your family. 

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